Readings for Sunday, February 2, 2025 Malachi 3:1-4, Hebrews 2:14-18, Luke 2:22-40, Psalm 84 For the text of Sunday's readings, visit lectionarypage.net |
If you would like to place a name on the Trinity Prayer List, please call the office at 215-297-5135 or visit trinitysolebury.org/prayerlist
We offer up for special prayers this week: Mary Anne, Joe Stutts, John, Erica and Dante Gamble, Bob, Aiden Drakeley, Eric Shick
We commend to God’s care and keeping: Harry J. Ferguson III, Carole Sue Kiong, Elaine Byrd and Mary Anne
We give thanks for the gift of new life: Annabel Grace Haldeman Derbyshire, granddaughter of Nancy and Jerry Ruddle
For Those of Our Parish:
Ru, Emory, Phyllis, Jean, Tom, Janet, Emil, Ruth, Alice, Christine, Rick, Jeanne, Ed, Anne, Bill
For the complete prayer list including non-parishioners, go to trinitysolebury.org/notices
For church members only - to view last names go to trinitysolebury.org/members
The Rev. Rob Baldwin, Rector Tim Harrell, Organist and Choirmaster Trinity Senior Choir Acolytes: 8:00 Karen Dewar; 9:30 Karen Dewar and Andrew Summers Lector: 8:00 Earlene Austin; 9:30 Barbara Conklin Lay Eucharistic Minister: 9:30 James Wells Chalice Bearers: 8:00 Gerri Broadbent; 9:30 George Kuebrich and Linda Kenyon | Healing Prayers: 8:00 Earlene Austin; 9:30 Kyle Evans and Ann Koberna Greeters: 9:30 Cinda Ball and Barbara Tortorello Altar Guild: 8:00 Susan Wells; 9:30 Ann Marguet Flower Guild: Susan Wells Flower Distribution: Lyn Fox Ushers: 8:00 Stan Broadbent; 9:30 Carol Church and Gary Wilmore Fellowship Hour: Mandy, Rob, Maura, and Parker Baldwin |
One of the greatest joys of being a part of Trinity's community is discovering one's own gifts and the gifts of others as we work toward a common purpose. Listed above are ways any member of our congregation can participate in weekly worship. Please let coordinators know of your interest.
Annual Meeting
January 26th
Our annual meeting was held last Sunday, accompanied by a delicious and plentiful breakfast provided by our vestry members. The annual meeting is always accompanied by an annual report which you can read here
The quick summary: It was a good year. Pledges were up $100,000 from 2023, while we continued to enhance and strengthen our many spiritual and outreach activities. The report also celebrates the ongoing contributions of time and talent by so many dedicated members of our church.
However, it's important to note that maintenance issues with our now 25 year old church facilities are starting to appear. Because of that and needed increases in staffing, currently our 2025 budget has a shortfall.
With thanks and appreciation for their service, three members left the vestry: Ashley Christie, Kim Laughlin, Marilyn Schuster.
Three new members were elected to the vestry: Cinda Ball, Terri Reynolds, Nancy Ruddle (pictured in order below)
Kensington Mission
Our next visit will be March 1st
Meal prep on Friday, Feburary 28th at 1 p.m.
On Saturday, January 25, I had the privilege of serving the 154 lunches that you helped make on Friday to those who are living on the streets in Kensington. We also brought down 19 coats and a plethora of blank and scarves, hats, and mittens. It was all so appreciated.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the generosity that this parish has shown those people that are less fortunate than us. We continue to collect coats, scarves, hats, mittens, gloves,socks, hand-warmers and the whole bit, all winter long. Even though it will be warm this coming week, it will be cold again soon enough, so please continue to bring your donations. There's a table in MacArthur Hall where you can place your donations. (Note: you can even order them from Amazon by searching for "homeless supplies bulk".)
Financial donations can be made to the church, either by check or online at trinitysolebury.org/donate Please put Kensington in the memo line.
Questions? contact kim@parkavepastries.com or phone 215-718-3973
Kim Laughlin
Christine Angulo
Our very own "photo-nana"
I recently came across an interesting email address: fotobubby@... (I won't say the complete email address for privacy reasons). For those of you who don't know, 'bubby' is 'grandma' in yiddish. Well Trinity now has our own "photo-nana": Christine Angulo. Christine loves taking photographs (many of her grand children), and has graciously offered to take on the role of "Chief Photographer" for Trinity. a.k.a. "photo-nana". When you see Christine, be sure to thank her, and then, why not have her take your photo at the same time so we can keep our directory up to date!
In Memorium
Harry J. Ferguson
Harry J. Ferguson III, died suddenly on Thursday, January 23, after a courageous battle with cancer at the age of 73. He was the beloved husband of Carol Ferguson. They were married for 52 years.
The Fergusons are long term members of Trinity. Among other things, Harry helped on the rebuilding campaign of the late 1990's. Their son's (Scott and Greg) were very active in TYG.
His funeral will be held Thursday, February 6 at 10:00 a.m. until his Service at 12:00 p.m. in the Joseph A. Fluehr Funeral Home in New Britain. Interment will be private at a later date. For more information please visit www.fluehr.com/obituaries/harry-ferguson-2025-01-23
Healing Prayers This Sunday
On the first Sunday of each month, healing prayers are available at both of Trinity's services during Communion. Prayer requests can be for oneself, a friend or family member, or a local, regional, national or international issue. Individuals of all ages are welcome and encouraged to come to the healing stations.
This Sunday, February 2nd, 3 p.m.
Peacemeal is for ALL, but especially for anyone that might be experiencing a sense of isolation and loneliness: the elderly, homeless adults and youths, or anyone who would benefit from sharing a meal with others in a safe space without judgment. And you don't have to be experiencing problems to join in the festivities. All are welcome!
We will be serving fried chicken at the next Peacemeal, Sunday, February 2. Appetizers, salads, bread, and desserts are needed for the meal.
Trinity and our sister church, St. Philip's, New Hope, are partnering to host the Peacemeal dinners. We welcome volunteers to help set up/clean up and break bread with the guests.
If you would like to make a donation and support the work of Peacemeal, please include 'peacemeal ‘ in the memo field of your check or donate online at trinitysolebury.org/donate and note 'peacemeal'.
If you shop at McCaffrey's, please save your receipts and give them to Kyle Evans. As a non-profit, we can redeem them for 1% of their face value to help fund Peacemeal.
Have questions? please contact Kyle Evans at kyle.evans55@gmail.com
Mindfulness Meditation at Trinity Solebury 2025
Offered by Dr. Jeffrey Harrison
You may not realize what a generous gift it is to have Jeffrey Harrison offer this series of classes. Similar classes would cost between $300 and $650. Many thanks for the continued dedication of Jeffrey to offer this important resource to us at no cost.
Nine Sessions Starting Monday, February 17th
from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
We will be offering Mindfulness Meditation training here at Trinity in the chapel for church members and others in the community interested in developing a contemplative practice. The program will run for 9 sessions, every Monday from February 17-April 7. Missing any session is highly discouraged since new material will be presented sequentially each week. However, on Saturday April 5, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., there will be a silent retreat session that will be imperative to attend.
If you have an interest in Mindfulness Meditation or questions about the practice, please contact Jeffrey Harrison by phone at 908-303-7265 (text preferred) or by email at drjeffreyharrison@comcast.net. Jeffrey has many years of his own personal meditation practice and many years of training individuals in his practice as a psychologist and within church communities.
Books for the program:
Workbook, edited by Jeffrey Harrison, Ph.D. (provided by Jeffrey)
Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness, by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D.
Practice the Pause: Jesus's Contemplative Practice, New Brain Science, and What It Means to Be Human, by Caroline Oakes
I’m pleased that there has been continued interest in the Mindfulness Meditation program at Trinity since we first began teaching Mindfulness at Trinity in 2004. This program is modeled on Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center (UMMC) because this is an excellent model for teaching meditation. However, this series of groups is designed to be used as a spiritual practice, not a psychological or medical treatment.
Jeffery Harrison
Dr. Counseling Psychology
Prayer Conundrum
The Rev. Rob Baldwin
Sometimes the path of discipleship is neither clear nor easy.
When I arrived here, I implemented what I thought at the time was a fairly normative change to the liturgy: the naming of religious and political leaders as part of the Prayers of the People. Their inclusion by name is parenthetical and optional, but I felt that it drew into focus the specifics of our communities and the need of our leaders to receive our prayers.
For some, this was not a welcome change, because naming specific political leaders whom they did not support aloud in church was uncomfortable and challenging. Following the recent election, those who found this challenging began to voice their concerns openly to me, suggesting a possible change.
All of which took a minor decision I made about liturgy into a much larger conversation about discipleship, community, privilege, and worship. It became a debate with no easy answers, and honestly my own conclusions have gone back and forth on the topic (as those closest to me are painfully aware). I took particular care to listen to those who felt the most vulnerable in the current political climate.
Regardless of specific naming or not, the leaders of our government hold tremendous power, authority, and responsibility and we as Christians hope that, regardless of party affiliation, that God’s will have some say in their decision-making process, and we pray specifically for that. In addition, all people need the ongoing presence of God in their lives so that they may, with God’s help, grow into God’s vision of who and how God’s children are to be. And finally, Jesus himself said that we should pray for and love all people, despite how they may feel about us. (e.g. Matthew 5:44 and Luke 6:28)
Loving everyone is not easy, to put it mildly, but as a community we aspire to do the most challenging things together. To pray for someone is not to condone them, but to wish for them to be better, to recognize their identity as a child of God, and to by extension recognize that there are countless lives who are impacted by the decisions in which we are praying God’s will prevail. This is not to dismiss outrage, despair, or fear that we may be experiencing in our lives—that too deserves our prayers and faithful service. But as such, we will, for the time being, continue in the practice of publicly naming those who are in positions of authority because they both deserve and need our prayers.
Just as the initial decision to institute the practice of naming individuals was not welcomed by all, I understand that there will be those of you who will be unhappy with my decision to continue. I am empathetic and understanding of how you feel and will always welcome discourse on this and any related topics therein. The experience of Christian community is rarely easy, but always worth it.
I will close with the admittedly lengthy prayer “For Sound Government” taken from pg. 821 of the Book of Common Prayer:
O Lord our Governor, bless the leaders of our land, that we may be a people at peace among ourselves and a blessing to other nations of the earth.
Lord, keep this nation under your care.
To the President and members of the Cabinet, to Governors of States, Mayors of Cities, and to all in administrative authority, grant wisdom and grace in the exercise of their duties.
Give grace to your servants, O Lord.
To Senators and Representatives, and those who make our laws in States, Cities, and Towns, give courage, wisdom, and foresight to provide for the needs of all our people, and to fulfill our obligations in the community of nations.
Give grace to your servants, O Lord.
To the Judges and officers of our Courts give understanding and integrity, that human rights may be safeguarded and justice served.
Give grace to your servants, O Lord.
And finally, teach our people to rely on your strength and to accept their responsibilities to their fellow citizens, that they may elect trustworthy leaders and make wise decisions for the well-being of our society; that we may serve you faithfully in our generation and honor your holy Name.
For yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head above all. Amen.
Church School 2024-2025 Trinity Church School meets every Sunday morning during the 9:30 a.m. service. On Sunday mornings, Sunday School teachers wait at a table by the door from the parking lot to the Day School to greet and register children and young people. Remember that children begin the worship service in the sanctuary with their families and leave with their teachers after Rob's children's homily. Trinity's team of teachers is led by Vestry Liason Ashley Christie, assisted by Jenn Summers and Nancy Harrison. Christine Angulo cares for infants and toddlers in the nursery.. Ann Koberna leads the PreK-6th grade, assisted on a rotating basis by Fred Koberna, Melodee Fox, Dotti Brown, Carol Church, Ashley Christie, and Jenn Summers. 7th-12th grade teachers are Nancy Harrison, Bill Jaglowski, and Walter Dixon. Church School Registration Form: Click Here | Trinity Youth Group (TYG) Tuesday, February 4, 6:30-8:00 p.m. in McArthur Hall
On Tuesday, February 4 all TYG members will make scrumptious, heart shaped sugar cookies to be included in blessing bags for Trinity members who are unable to attend services in person. We hope you can join us. All young people in grades 6-12 are welcome at TYG. Bring your friends! If you have any questions, please contact Kyle Evans at kyle.evans55@gmail.com
Have photos??? We Want Them
As you take pictures, please email (not text) them to photos@trinitysolebury.org
That's all you have to do, and we'll have the photos automatically placed in the archive where we have easy access to them. If your device asks for a 'size' when sending, please select 'medium' and send 4 at most in one email. Thank you - this make things so much easier for us.
Black History Month is observed in 2025 starting February 1. There will be a lunch and special presentation celebrating Bucks County African American History at:
Second Baptist Church
6055 Swamp Rd. in Fountainville
Saturday, February 8 from 12 to 2:30 p.m.
Patricia Mervine, who has recently published her book, Slavery, Friends and Freedom in Bucks County, will share stories featuring Bucks County people and places involved with the Underground Railroad.
Proceeds from this event will be donated to support the new home of the Bucks County African American History Museum.
The cost is $15/person, children 10 and under are free, and a family of 3 or more is $40.
The sponsors are Second Baptist Church of Doylestown, www.sbcod.org and Doylestown Presbyterian Church, www.dtownpc.org
RSVPs are requested by February 1st
This event was brought to our attention by Betty Stagg, who, along with John Dey represents Trinity's Sacred Ground ministry.
Please let Betty or John know if you have an interest in attending this event.
A Trinity "Friends of Music" Event
Concordia Chamber Players Concert
"Lies You Can Believe In"
Sunday, February 16
I was inspired to program this string trio by Missy Mazzoli upon hearing it and was intrigued by what Missy describes as “lies” in the title. She says, “…lies are not untruths, but instead refer to the old-fashioned word for an improvised and embellished story. This type of lie is not malicious; the process of invention and the telling of the tale are ultimately more important than the truth behind the account.” These words inspired me to program a collection of well-known works arranged for string sextet. These are truly believable and stunning arrangements! Lies You Can Believe In for string trio, written by critically acclaimed composer Missy Mazzoli, was commissioned by the Milwaukee-based ensemble, Present Music. Missy states: ”In this piece, I created my own ‘lie,’ an invented and embellished urban folk music. This piece is inspired as much by modern gypsy music, punk, and electronica as it is by traditional Bulgarian and Romanian folk music.” We also include the Prelude from Tristan and Isolde by Richard Wagner. This arrangement by Sebastian Gurtler allows us to delve into the sublime and wondrous prelude to one of the most revered operas of all time. The String Sextet from Capriccio, Opus 85 by Richard Strauss will add to the enchanting program. And finally, we are grateful that there exists this arrangement of one of the most profound works to spring from Mozart’s inspired pen, the Sinfonia Concertante, K 364. We close the concert with this Grande Sestetto by Wolfgang A. Mozart. (arr. anonymous)
Lies You Can Believe In:
Tickets are $40 and are available at concordiaplayers.org/tickets
Free Open Rehearsal - Saturday, February 15, 2025, 2024 @ 3:30pm
New Hope Arts Center
2 Stockton Ave, 2nd floor, New Hope, PA
Need Crisis Support - Dial 988: Everyone is familiar using '911' when emergency help is needed, but you may not know about '988'. Dialing 988 from your phone will connect you with 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress. That could be:
Call or text 988 or chat at 988lifeline.org for yourself or if you are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support. 988 serves as a universal entry point so that no matter where you live in the United States, you can reach a trained crisis counselor who can help. |
Share Your Prayer Concerns Each Sunday there is a sheet on the entryway table in the narthex where parishioners, visitors, and other church attendees can write their prayer requests for that Sunday. The page will include options for those requiring healing, special intentions, or the deceased. Those names will be included for that Sunday and the Sunday following, unless requested otherwise. If you would like to have the names added to the long-term prayer list, please visit trinitysolebury.org/prayerlist or contact the church office. |
Centering Prayer has been an active ministry at Trinity since the late 1990's. We practice Centering Prayer in the Chapel weekly on Tuesday mornings from 8 to 8:30 a.m. and all are welcome. Come whenever you can. Centering Prayer is a type of Christian contemplation that provides an opportunity to sit quietly in God’s presence, in stillness for greater awareness of God in our busy daily lives. We intentionally put aside all thoughts of the past and of the future, being aware only of "now". When we meet we remember those in need. We practice 20 minutes of silent meditation. We send cards to those in our prayers. One technique of Centering Prayer employs a sacred word that we each choose on our own. Then we silently recall it to return to God’s presence when we are distracted by thoughts, feelings, and images. In Centering Prayer we believe that the beginning and the end of prayer is learning how to be still before God. Thoughts are the inevitable and normal part of Centering Prayer and by returning to our sacred word we are expressing our "intention to consent to God's presence and action within" (Thomas Keating) Consider coming to Centering Prayer on Tuesdays. It is a gentle retreat, if only for 20 minutes, from our busy daily lives. The Trinity Spiritual Life Ministry |