Readings for Sunday, December 22, 2024 Micah 5:2-5a, Hebrews 10:5-10, Luke 1:39-45, (46-55), Canticle 15 (or 3) For the text of Sunday's readings, visit lectionarypage.net |
If you would like to place a name on the Trinity Prayer List, please call the office at 215-297-5135 or visit trinitysolebury.org/prayerlist
We offer up for special prayers this week: David Wetherill, Howard Fradkin, Will Weekesser, Christopher, Cathy Dafrico
For Those of Our Parish:
Ru, Emory, Phyllis, Jean, Tom, Janet, Emil, Ruth, Alice,, Christine, Rick, Cathy, Jeanne, Ed, Anne, Roger, Bill
For the complete prayer list including non-parishioners, go to trinitysolebury.org/notices
For church members only - to view last names go to trinitysolebury.org/members
The Rev. Rob Baldwin, Rector Tim Harrell, Organist and Choirmaster Trinity Senior Choir Acolytes: 8:00 Karen Dewar; 9:30 Kim Laughlin and Andrew Summers Lector: 8:00 Earlene Austin; 9:30 Whitney Chandor Lay Eucharistic Minister: 9:30 Kyle Evans
| Chalice Bearers: 8:00 Earlene Austin; 9:30 Whitney Chandor and Kim Laughlin Greeters: 9:30 Melodee and Gene Fox Altar Guild:8:00 Beth Schermerhorn; 9:30 Sue Benner Ushers: 8:00 Stan Broadbent; 9:30 Vivian Yeh and Kathrine Hunt Fellowship Hour: 9:30 Maryann and Ed Phinney |
One of the greatest joys of being a part of Trinity's community is discovering one's own gifts and the gifts of others as we work toward a common purpose. Listed above are ways any member of our congregation can participate in weekly worship. Please let coordinators know of your interest.
Christmas flower donations: trinitysolebury.org/flowers mail-in form: click here
The 2024 Trinity Christmas Eve Pageant Is Coming!!
Christmas Eve at 5 p.m.
We would love to have your child(ren) participate! Through the readings, we tell the story of Jesus' birth. Children can dress up as angels, animals, or shepherds. The service has wonderful music and is very family friendly. I am looking for children and for adults that are young at heart. If you have family that are coming in for the holidays and would like to participate, they are welcome too. We just ask that all participants come to church Christmas Eve at 4:00pm and we'll set you up for a joyous time!
When you arrive at 4:00pm, we will run through the parts of the pageant and have snacks and crafts ready to go!
If you are interested in participating, please email me, Jenn Summers, at jennifer.ann.summers@gmail.com or 267-614-0812.
Kensington Mission
Our next visit will be Saturday, December 21st
Meal prep on Friday, December 20th
All your support is greatly appreciated and we hope to see you on Friday December 20th at 3:00 p.m. in the kitchen to make our next batch of lunches.
Financial donations can be made to the church, either by check or online at trinitysolebury.org/donate Please put Kensington in the memo line.
Also, it is the time of year where the cool weather makes socks and hand-warmers important, so donations of those items are especially welcomed! You can even order them from Amazon by searching for "homeless supplies bulk". And, we are still collecting coats, hats, mittens/gloves, socks, blankets/sleeping bags, etc. There is a Rubbermaid tote located outside the doors of McArthur Hall for off-hour drop-offs.
Questions? contact kim@parkavepastries.com or phone 215-718-3973
Kim Laughlin
Guatemala Mission Trip
January 22nd-31st
Amy Kilough, Trinity Day School Teacher
Last winter, as you might remember, I was fortunate enough to be able to volunteer for a mission trip to Guatemala. The experience has been transformative for me! I learned so much about myself and the gracious peoples of the country.
The wonderful support that I received from Trinity as well as the greater NHS community was overwhelming. Our group was impressed with the outpouring of love that was shown. I collected over 200 pounds of donations, and over $1,500 monetarily. Students at Trinity Day School made heart-felt cards and drawings that were shared with the youngest members of the orphanage.
I am reaching out today to see if you might be able to once again support my trip in the winter of 2025.
Here's what your donations did last year and will support this year:
Here are some of the organizations that provide these services:
El Hogar Miguel Magone Orphanage: Children who come here are often taken off the streets or away from abusive households. There may be as many children as 75 or more at any particular time. The children are cared for around the clock and can range from ages infant-18 years old. Evaluations, counseling sessions, and support at court hearings are some of the services provided here.
Hope Academy: The Academy is a STEAM-based, Spanish and English bilingual school for girls with support for Kaqchikal, the indigenous Mayan language of the region. These students, about 100 girls, are underprivileged, and without the Academy, they might not otherwise get an education.
Community Outreach: Fundraising support and community engagement for the elders of El Aguacate is an essential part of the mission. Many of the elders are widows who lost everything, including their families, in the Guatemalan Civil War. In addition to fundraising, the mission helps in the clearing of land and the creation of a new technical school to help students prepare for the work force. The local public school will also benefit from the mission. In Guatemala you must supply your own school supplies in order to attend school. Many families simply cannot afford the supplies necessary to send their children to school, therefore the children don't go.
As an aside, please also consider that these services are all supported by donations. The government has regulatory rules in place for these organizations; however, the government does not financially support them.
I was able to afford the airfare for this next mission. However, as part of my request for assistance, your donations would also help to defray some my cost of room and board.
Please get your donations to me by Sunday January19th. If you have any questions, please reach out to me at amy-killough@comcast.net or 267-614-1462.
Amy Killough
Trinity Day School Teacher
Church School 2024-2025 Trinity Church School meets every Sunday morning during the 9:30 a.m. service. On Sunday mornings, Sunday School teachers wait at a table by the door from the parking lot to the Day School to greet and register children and young people. Remember that children begin the worship service in the sanctuary with their families and leave with their teachers after Rob's children's homily. Trinity's team of teachers is led by Vestry Liason Ashley Christie, assisted by Jenn Summers and Nancy Harrison. Christine Angulo cares for infants and toddlers in the nursery.. Ann Koberna leads the PreK-6th grade, assisted on a rotating basis by Fred Koberna, Melodee Fox, Dotti Brown, Carol Church, Ashley Christie, and Jenn Summers. 7th-12th grade teachers are Nancy Harrison, Bill Jaglowski, and Walter Dixon. Church School Registration Form: Click Here | Trinity Youth Group (TYG) There will be NO Trinity Youth Group on Tuesday, December 24 and Tuesday, December 31, as they are Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. The next TYG meeting is Tuesday, January 7. We hope to see you then! All young people in grades 6-12 are welcome. Please feel free to bring friends! We hope to see you there. If you have any questions, please contact Kyle Evans at kyle.evans55@gmail.com.
A Trinity "Friends of Music" Production
Handel's Messiah Returns
Sunday, December 22nd, 4 p.m.
Join us for our 24th performance of Handel’s masterpiece. Timothy Harrell conducts the Trinity Choir and Bucks County Community College Madrigal Singers accompanied by the LaFiocco Orchestra playing period instruments or copies of them, performing at baroque pitch.
Soloists are Rochelle Reed - soprano,
Daniel Moody - countertenor,
Stephen Ng - tenor,
Brian Chu - baritone.
Tickets are available on-line and mail-in ordering at trinitysolebury.org/messiah Tim will also have tickets for sale at Sunday's 9:30 services.
Advance tickets are $25, or $30 at the door.
$10 for those 18 and under.
Congregational Vitality
And your chance to contribute to Trinity's own vitality
Back in the 80's and 90's, when Richard Simmons was sweating to the oldies and when the exercise craze was coming into fashion, the widespread use of the term “congregational vitality” also came into fashion: church leaders were beginning to think about churches in terms of energy and life, rather than size or history.
Congregational vitality was not entirely a new idea. Paul employed the metaphor of the Church, the community of Christians in the world, as being akin to a single but diverse body with a unifying identity. The idea of congregational vitality, both ancient and modern, appreciated a real organic quality to the community of faith, which could grow or, in some cases, wither.
And, to perhaps take this metaphor a step further, I have come to appreciate at age how sustaining healthy habits doesn’t just make life easier and more enjoyable now, but also makes a longer, stronger life in the future more likely. It is thinking of the future, and dreams and hopes, that inspire me more than anything to make good decisions now about life.
Today, we continue to think of Trinity Church as being a living, vital entity, defined not by a building but a community whose gifts make the body what it is. We have a healthy, vibrant parish, and I would like to consider how your contribution of time, talent, and treasure not only enriches that vitality now, but gives us a stronger base to grow upon in the future.
As a member of the Church Militant (the church on earth), the Vestry and I are asking you to pray and consider making a financial commitment to Trinity. By pledging at trinitysolebury.org/pledge (or alternately returning a pledge card) in a timely manner, you help the Vestry make a responsible mission plan for the new year. Click here for a copy of the pledge card.
Let us build upon our spirit, our enthusiasm, our mission, and our hopes today to ensure future generations enjoy what we have now. As always, I am not only grateful to be a part of this community as your rector, but also for all you do to make Trinity a wonderful community of Christ.
Yours in Christ,
The Rev. Rob Baldwin
Rector, Trinity Episcopal Church
Have photos??? We Want Them
As you take pictures, please email (not text) them to photos@trinitysolebury.org
That's all you have to do, and we'll have the photos automatically placed in the archive where we have easy access to them. If your device asks for a 'size' when sending, please select 'medium' and send 4 at most in one email. Thank you - this make things so much easier for us.
A Trinity "Friends of Music" Event
La Fiocco Presents
Green Groweth the Holly
Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music for the holiday season
December 20, 2024, 7:30 p.m.
Join us for La Fiocco’s fifth annual holiday concert. Indulge with us in the haunting sounds of the exotic instruments from Medieval Europe, including the rebec, vielle, gittern, citole, and gothic harp, along with three types of lutes, recorder, dulcian, renaissance and baroque viols, harpsichord, and organ, as we play 13th-century Cantigas in honor of the Virgin Mary, secular songs of 15th century Burgundy and Flanders, and selections from 16th- and 17th-century Italy and England. With soprano Abigail W. Chapman, guest artists Paul Butler, Kenneth Bé, LuGene Bé, and William Thatcher, along with La Fiocco musicians Nathan Bishop, Allen Hamrick, Jorge Torres, Benjamin Rechel, and artistic director Lewis R. Baratz.
All Tickets $15 (free for 12 and under) - At the door, cash or check to “La Fiocco,” or online: Click here
Need Crisis Support - Dial 988: Everyone is familiar using '911' when emergency help is needed, but you may not know about '988'. Dialing 988 from your phone will connect you with 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress. That could be:
Call or text 988 or chat at 988lifeline.org for yourself or if you are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support. 988 serves as a universal entry point so that no matter where you live in the United States, you can reach a trained crisis counselor who can help. |
Peacemeal Peacemeal is for ALL, but especially for anyone that might be experiencing a sense of isolation and loneliness: the elderly, homeless adults and youths, or anyone who would benefit from sharing a meal with others in a safe space without judgment. And you don't have to be experiencing problems to join in the festivities. All are welcome! We will be serving lasagna at the next Peacemeal, Sunday, January 5. Appetizers, salad, bread, and desserts are needed for the meal. Trinity and our sister church, St. Philip's, New Hope, are partnering to host the Peacemeal dinners. We welcome volunteers to help set up/clean up and break bread with the guests. If you would like to make a donation and support the work of Peacemeal, please include 'peacemeal ‘ in the memo field of your check or donate online at trinitysolebury.org/donate and note 'peacemeal'. New: If you shop at McCaffrey's, please save your receipts and give them to Kyle Evans or John Dey. As a non-profit, we can redeem them for 1% of their face value to help fund Peacemeal. Have questions? please contact Kyle Evans at kyle.evans55@gmail.com | Healing Prayers First Sunday of Every Month On the first Sunday of each month, healing prayers are available at both of Trinity's services during Communion. Prayer requests can be for oneself, a friend or family member, or a local, regional, national or international issue. Individuals of all ages are welcome and encouraged to come to the healing stations. |
Share Your Prayer Concerns Each Sunday there is a sheet on the entryway table in the narthex where parishioners, visitors, and other church attendees can write their prayer requests for that Sunday. The page will include options for those requiring healing, special intentions, or the deceased. Those names will be included for that Sunday and the Sunday following, unless requested otherwise. If you would like to have the names added to the long-term prayer list, please visit trinitysolebury.org/prayerlist or contact the church office. |
Centering Prayer has been an active ministry at Trinity since the late 1990's. We practice Centering Prayer in the Chapel weekly on Tuesday mornings from 8 to 8:30 a.m. and all are welcome. Come whenever you can. Centering Prayer is a type of Christian contemplation that provides an opportunity to sit quietly in God’s presence, in stillness for greater awareness of God in our busy daily lives. We intentionally put aside all thoughts of the past and of the future, being aware only of "now". When we meet we remember those in need. We practice 20 minutes of silent meditation. We send cards to those in our prayers. One technique of Centering Prayer employs a sacred word that we each choose on our own. Then we silently recall it to return to God’s presence when we are distracted by thoughts, feelings, and images. In Centering Prayer we believe that the beginning and the end of prayer is learning how to be still before God. Thoughts are the inevitable and normal part of Centering Prayer and by returning to our sacred word we are expressing our "intention to consent to God's presence and action within" (Thomas Keating) Consider coming to Centering Prayer on Tuesdays. It is a gentle retreat, if only for 20 minutes, from our busy daily lives. The Trinity Spiritual Life Ministry |