Trinity Episcopal Church

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The "Church On the Hill" in Solebury

Sunday Worship at 8:00 a.m. (no music)
and 9:30 a.m. (full choir, church school)

What's Happening at Trinity Episcopal Church
P.O. Box 377, 6587 Upper York Road, Solebury, PA 18963
Weekly Notices for January 14, 2024

This Week:

Sunday: The Second Sunday after the Epiphany
8:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite II -
 no music
9:30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite II -  Church School and full Choir
11:00 a.m. - Adult Forum "Your Faith, Your Life"

Livestream Sunday at 9:30 a.m:

Worship bulletin/leaflet:

Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. - Centering Prayer:  A short reading is followed by 20 minutes of silence.  Join us for this special time of communion with God.

Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. - Trinity Youth Group: All young people in grades 6-12 are welcome. Please feel free to bring friends! A sponsor will be present in McArthur Hall to direct participants. 

Fridays at 6:30 p.m. - AA meeting: For more information, please contact Frank at 609-306-5875

Full church calendar:

Church School Registration Form: Click Here

Readings for Sunday January 14, 2024: The Epiphany

1 Samuel 3:1-10(11-20), 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, John 1:43-51, Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17

For the text of Sunday's readings, visit

Masks optional: We welcome your decision to wear a protective mask
either for yourself or to minimize others from infection.

Those in Our Prayers

If you would like to place a name on the Trinity Prayer List, please call the office at 215-297-5135 or visit

We commend to God's care and keeping:Brother-in-law of Katherine Hunt,  Peter Hunt, who died on January 8, 2024

For Those of Our Parish:

Ru, Emory, Carol, Phyllis, Jean, Janet, Emil, Ruth, Sue, Alice, Rick, Ali, Cat, Mary, Jeanne, Anne, Faith, Patrick, Evie, Chip, Dick, Bill

For Friends and Family:

Alix, James, Robert, Tom, Anne, Tom, Cathy, Nancy, Nadia, Fala, Lynn, Elizabeth, Sandra, Annie, Emily, Barbara, Jacques, Andrew, David, Charlie, Sharon, Tony , Corky, Beth Anne, Daryn, Justin and Lee Anne, Joray, Lucille, Jim and Diane, Dee, Vince

For the complete prayer list including non-parishioners, go to

For church members only - to view last names go to

Serving This Week

The Rev. Rob Baldwin, Rector, Celebrant
Tim Harrell, Organist and Choirmaster

Trinity Solebury Senior Choir

Acolytes: 8:00 a.m. Karen Dewar; 9:30 a.m. Kim Laughlin and Ben Throup

Ushers: 8:00 a.m.; 9:30 am Carol Church and Gary Wilmore

Lector: 8:00 a.m. Sue Walsh; 9:30 a.m. Norman Bing 

Lay Eucharistic Minister: 9:30 a.m. Inez Bing



Chalice Bearers: 8:00 a.m. Gerri Broadbent; 9:30 a.m. Norman Bing and George Kuebrich

Altar Guild: 8:00 a.m.; Gerri Broadbent , 9:30 a.m. Christine Angulo

Flower Guild: Barbara Wilson

Flower Distribution: Lyn Fox
Greeters: 9:30 a.m. Betty Stagg and Cinda Ball

Coffee Hour: 9:30 a.m. Newcomers Committee – Colleen Dey, Cathy Mumford and Laura Huestis


Acolytes: Kim Laughlin; Altar Guild: Susan Wells; Flower Guild: Linda Kenyon; Ushers: Paolo Vieiradias; Lectors: Linda Kenyon; Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Chalice Bearers: Linda Kenyon; Greeters: Cathy Mumford; Hospitality: Kevin Clark; Healing Prayers: Earlene Austin

One of the greatest joys of being a part of Trinity's community is discovering one's own gifts and the gifts of others as we work toward a common purpose. Listed above are ways any member of our congregation can participate in weekly worship. Please let coordinators know of your interest.

Trinity Community Notices

Consider an Epiphany Discipline this Year
Reverend Rob

During the liturgical season of Lent, many Christians adopt a “Lenten discipline” which is a practice intended to lead a more ethical, loving life through fasting, self-denial, prayer, and/or service. In contrast, the season of Epiphany is centered on learning more about God through an understanding of Jesus Christ. So, why not consider a discipline this season dedicated to that goal?

This can be done through study or contemplative prayer. Or consider the role of the Church as the body of Christ to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus by taking on a practice that expresses God’s love through action? If you want, take a look at our library for inspiration. Our greeting and newcomer ministry helps make visitors feel welcome and encouraged to find a family of faith here, and our outreach programs serve those in need in our community, but these are only a few of the options available.

I want to hear about your Epiphany disciplines should you decide to take one on, so if there is something that moves you, let me know all about it!

Your's in Christ
Reverend Rob+

A Sixteen Week Adult Forum
Each Sunday through April 21
Led by The Rev. Rob Baldwin

The Rt. Rev. Daniel Gutierrez, Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, will be visiting our church on Sunday, April 28, 2024.  In preparation for our Bishop's visit, Rev. Rob will be leading a weekly class for those interested in Confirmation or Reception into the Episcopal Church, as well as any who are interested in learning more about our church's  history, theology, and mission. The class will use as a companion text, the book "Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church" by Jenifer Gamber, but reading the book is not a prerequisite for the class.

If you have ever had any questions about what it means to be a member of this church, or just want to revisit topics you have learned about in the past, this is the class for you. The format will be discussion-oriented with plenty of opportunity for questions.

The Adult Forum will meet at 11:00 a.m. in the Trinity Chapel, Sunday mornings, starting January 7, 2024. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Rev. Rob Baldwin.

The forums will be broadcast live starting around 11 a.m. on and will also be available on after the broadcast completes.


  • Living our Sacramental Life: Baptism and Confirmation (January 7)
  • Living our Sacramental Life: Eucharist (January 14)
  • Living our Sacramental Life: Confession, Marriage, Ordination, and Healing (January 21)
  • The Three-Legged Stool: Scripture, Tradition, and Reason (January 28)
  • Understanding our Bible: the Hebrew Bible (February 4)
  • Understanding our Bible: the New Testament (February 11)
  • Understanding our History: the Early Church (February 18)
  • Understanding our History: the Reformation and the Anglican Church (February 25)
  • Understanding our History: Our Anglican Identity (March 3)
  • Using the Book of Common Prayer (March 10)
  • The Polity of the Episcopal Church (March 17)
  • Living our Life of Discipleship: our Spiritual Gifts (March 24, Palm Sunday)
  • Living our Life of Discipleship: Prayer (April 7)
  • Living our Life of Discipleship: Service and Ministry (April 14)
  • Open Questions (April 21)

Guatemala Mission Trip

One of our Trinity Day School teachers, Amy Killough, is participating in a mission trip to Guatemala from 1/31-2/9.  While there, the group will be working at the Hogar Miquel Magone Orphanage and the Hope Acedemy School.

Jess and Amy are asking for the support of this mission with school supplies, OTC Children/adult medications, underwear for both boys and girls, or a cash donation.

You can drop off your donations in McCarther Hall after church, 1/14 or contact John Dey for more information and/or questions.  If you would rather make a cash donation please visit You can also leave checks with John Dey after Sundays service.


Even a snowstorm couldn’t stop a successful Peacemeal last Sunday, January 7. Although attendance was down slightly because of the weather, practically all the food was eaten without leftovers. Especially the Chef’s famous stuffed meatloaf!! Guests came from Doylestown to as far away as Philadelphia. We had students from NHS high school come out to volunteer with the greetings, engagement and clean up. We also had a special guest from the Michener Museum come out wanting to partner with Peacemeal for one of their new exhibits on January 15.

Thanks to the volunteers who are making this outreach mission possible. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please contact John Dey at



Trinity Youth Group (TYG) Scheduled for Tuesday, January 16

TYG finished the year wrapping the last of the gifts for the Pearl Street kids. 

This coming Tuesday, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., we are planning to make meals using the leftovers from last week's peacemeal.

Questions? Please contact Steve Wilson at or Bill Yandle at

Church School 

Church school will take place following Rev. Rob's children's homily during the 9:30am service, just before the reading of the lessons.

Childcare will be provided during the 9:30am service.  The nursery/toddler room is located 2 doors down the Day School hall on the left from the Day School double exterior doors.

This Sunday, January 14th, there will be a group lesson during church school where we will be participating in Yoga with Carol Yandle. We will also be talking about the MLK Day of Service!

(Church school students creating a cross)

A Trinity "Friends of Music" Production


Michelle Johnson & Brian Major
Sunday January 28th at 4 p.m.

Welcome back soloists Michelle Johnson, soprano and Brian Major, baritone, in concert performing an array of arias, art songs, musical theatre and spirituals. Michelle Johnson is a Grand Prize Winner of the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions. She recently performed at Opera Tampa as Leonora in Il trovatore and will make her Boston Lyric Opera debut singing Santuzza in Cavalleria Rusticana. Brian Major is praised by critics for his “velvety voice and commanding stage
presence.” He recently sang Amonasro in Aida with Theatro Municipal de Sao Paulo and Scarpia in Tosca.

Tickets: $15, $10 - 18 and under.  To pre order tickets, contact Tim Harrell, orcontact the church office at 215-297-5135


The Vestry is continuing the process of holding facilitated listening sessions entitled VOICES in order for the congregation to discuss their aspirations for Trinity. In the original VOICES sessions, several areas of focus were identified, including Outreach. The next VOICES session is planned for Sunday, February 4 at 11 a.m. Virtual participation is also an option. We hope you will join us in acknowledging current Outreach efforts and discussing additional aspirations for the future. 

Nancy Harrison
Vestry Member

Foyer Dinner Groups Are Back!

We are still looking for parishioners to participate in a Foyers dinner group.

Foyers will divide into groups of 8-10 and will meet once a quarter – winter, spring, summer and fall. The host provides the main course and beverages with the rest of the group bringing appetizers, salads and desserts. This is not a cooking competition. Just prepare a favorite recipe or bring a purchased dish. The group will decide during the gathering the next hose and meeting date. If you aren’t comfortable hosting or feel your home is too small, no problem. Many parishioners are happy to open their home more than once, and you can choose to co-host. Even easier is to arrange a Dutch Treat dinner at a local restaurant.

Cathy Mumford has been leading the Foyers Ministry for many years and welcomes anyone who would like to be more involved and co-lead the ministry. For more information, please email Cathy at or call 908-385-5455 


Foyer Dinner Groups (from the French word "foier" meaning "hearth" or "home") are a way to grow comradery and relationships in our church. They are a fun and easy way for parishioners to gather on a regular but informal basis for purely social reasons - to enjoy one another’s company, to strengthen bonds of community, to meet new members and to get to know other people who share a common interest in our faith but with whom we might not otherwise interact.


Brown Bag Questions
The answers keep on coming!

Ever had a topic you would really love to ask your priest, but haven't had the chance? Our Rev. Rob answered many on Dec 31 in his "Brown Bag Sermon", but there were still many questions left "in the bag".... so he has been answering more every week:

Click here to view Dec 31 sermon

New: Is it okay to pray for the Eagles? What to do when you live with NY Giants fan?

First of all, can we just appreciate the faithfulness and hopefulness of a fan of a team that’s hasn’t won a Super Bowl since 2011?  I mean, at the time of writing this they are 6-11 with the fourth worst record in the NFL this year.

Anyways and in all seriousness, I have nothing against athletics.  I did track and cross country in high school and college, dabbled a bit in collegiate fencing, and did about seven years of roller derby for teams in the greater Kansas City area.  I even coached tee-ball for one of my daughter’s team.  But when it comes to prayer, especially for contact sports, I always pray for people not to get hurt.  Football in particular has a problematic history with injured players, especially with the long-term effects of repeated head trauma.  As someone who has battled a few concussions himself, that’s no joke.


Local Community Notices

11th Annual MLK Teen Peace and Social Justice Summit
Sunday, January 14, 2024, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Pennsbury High School West Campus, Fairless Hills

  • Open to 9th - 12th grade students and mature 7th and 8th graders
  • Educators, parents and community members welcome
  • Separate workshops for students, educators and parents
  • Inspirational Speakers
  • Student-led stories of their experiences
  • Meaningful & courageous conversations on racism, discrimination and intolerance
  • Resources available to support students and communities

Refreshments and chill for a few minutes after the program. Registration is required: Click Here

AA Meetings

Fridays at 6:30 p.m. For more information, please contact Frank at 609-306-5875.

Need Crisis Support -  Dial 988: Everyone is familiar using '911' when emergency help is needed, but you may not know about '988'.  Dialing 988 from your phone will connect you with 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress.

That could be:

  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Mental health or substance use crisis
  • Any other kind of emotion distress

Call or text 988 or chat at for yourself or if you are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support. 988 serves as a universal entry point so that no matter where you live in the United States, you can reach a trained crisis counselor who can help.

Standing Notices

Healing Prayers First Sunday of Every Month

On the first Sunday of each month, healing prayers are available at both of Trinity's services during Communion. Prayer requests can be for oneself, a friend or family member, or a local, regional, national or international issue. Individuals of all ages are welcome and encouraged to come to the healing stations.


Seeking a Nursery/Childcare Provider
for Sundays and Special Events

Trinity is seeking a Sunday and special event Nursery/Childcare Provider. The person will be expected to serve each Sunday morning, 9:15-11:30 a.m. and on occasion, during special events such as the performance of The Messiah. All appropriate clearances are required. A competitive hourly rate is available. Please contact Kyle Evans at or Dr. Nancy Harrison at if you know of someone who may be a candidate.

Have photos???  
We Want Them

We are trying out a new photo system to collect and archive photos of Trinity and our events.  As you take pictures, please email them to 

That's all you have to do, and we'll have the photos automatically placed in the archive where we can access them.

Responding to the Israel-Hamas War
Episcopal Relief and Development

Since the start of the current Israel-Hamas war, Episcopal Relief & Development has been supporting long-time partners in the Holy Land including Al Ahli Hospital, a ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, to provide emergency medical support in Gaza. Despite being hit by two explosions that damaged buildings and claimed hundreds of lives, the hospital is still serving those who are in need of care. Episcopal Relief & Development stands with the brave staff of Al Ahli Hospital as they risk their lives to help others.

Please pray for peace in the Holy Land and consider making a contribution to the Episcopal Relief & Development Middle East Fund to help meet the growing needs of all people in the region.

Stay informed about the Episcopal Relief & Development response at

Click here to make an online donation or write a check to Episcopal Relief & Development. Mail to: PO Box 7058, Merrifield, VA 22116-7058

Have News to Share??

Your notice is VERY important to us. Our mission is to fully support and amplify the work you are doing! When you volunteer or organize something, we want that work to be fully recognized and supported.

So, to submit a notice, email or contact Marilyn Schuster or Jon Hayward directly.   We like to have notices by Thursday, but 'stuff happens', and we'll try our best with every notice no matter what.

To add an event to the church calendar, email or call the office at 215-297-5135

To add someone to the prayer list, visit or call the office at 215-297-5135


Trinity Parish Directory Updates

Maintenance of the parish directory is a never ending process.  To make sure our members can reach you, please check your listed contact information. Send updates to Sarah Doyle at Updated photos are welcome too. 

For an online copy of the parish directory, visit

Help Ukrainian Families

Support Episcopal Relief & Development in providing humanitarian aid in response to the crisis in Ukraine. By donating to the Ukraine Crisis Response Fund, you will help meet critical needs for people fleeing the violence including food, cash, blankets, and hygiene supplies. Visit


Follow Trinity Episcopal Church on Instagram and Facebook

Connect with us on Instagram at and on Facebook at

Like and follow Trinity's Facebook and Instagram pages to stay connected.

The mission of the Church
is to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.
- The Book of Common Prayer, page 855


The Rev. Robert E. Baldwin - Rector
The Rev. Dr. John Bartle - Assisting Priest
The Rev. Dr. Emory Byrum - Priest Associate Emeritus
Timothy Harrell - Organist/Choirmaster
Sarah Doyle - Office Manager
Jessica Williams - Day School Director
Laura Huestis - Administrative Assistant

Julie Loftus, James Wells

Kevin Clark, Ashley Christie, John Dey, Nancy Harrison, Kim Laughlin, Cathy Mumford, Marilyn Schuster, Matt Summers, Bill Yandle
Laura Huestis, Clerk of the Vestry

Volunteer Support
Jenn Summers, Nicole Emery, Christine Angulo - Church School Coordinators
Anne Shields - Assistant Director, Saint Cecilia Choir
Marilyn Schuster, Jon Hayward - Weekly Notices Editors
Roger Stikeleather - Social Media Editor
Sue Walsh - Calendar Contributor