In This Week's Notices: This weeks readings
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Readings for Sunday, March 19, 2023 I Samuel 16:1-13; Psalm 23; Ephesians 5:8-14; John 9:1-41 For the text of Sunday's readings, visit |
If you would like to place a name on the Trinity Prayer List, please call the office at 215-297-5135 or visit
We commend to God's care and keeping: Greg Romero, brother of Donna Romero Wheelan; Kevin Patrick McMahon, cousin of Trinity youth group member, Max Hurley.
For Those of Our Parish:
Sue, Ru, Katharine, Carol, Richard, John, Phyllis, Jean, Amanda, Janet, Chris, and Mark, Emil, Ruth, Annie, Joann, Sue, Laura, William, Alice, Rick, Cathy, Jeanne, Mary, Anne, Robert, Bonnie, Morgan, Faith, Brendan, Pam, Beth Anne, Barrie, Bill, Chip, Dick, Barbara, Bill
For Friends and Family:
Mark and Steve, Eddie, Marian, Coleman, Waltier, Keri, Anna, Jim, Barry, Curtis, Cameron & Cindy, Robert, Emily, Maryann, Melissa, Anne, Tom, Louise, Nancy, Sharon, Mary Claire, Debbie, Frederick and Mike and Charity, Shane, Judith, Wayne, Tony, Erin, Howard, Bob, Kay, Barbara, Kathie, Jennette, Rodney, Anne Marie, Alexandra, Lavern, Cathy, Kathy, Lee, Sandra, Jawon, Henrisha, Isis, J'Amaia and Janae, Jenny and Gracie, Ericka, Albert, Rick, Sue, Peter, Emily, Rachel, Ben, Patricia, Shari, Alfred, Robert, Barbara, Tim, Sue, Joann, Jessie, John, Carol, Cate, Macey and Kyle, Alice, Kevyn, Jeannie, Maru, Matt, Beth, Allison, Jacques, Caitlin, Michelle, Briana, Travis and Rachel, Amanda, Bridget, James, Moritz, Claudis, Joelle, Wilma, Beth, Carol, Sue, Nibley, Flora, Karen and Declan, Beverly, Richard, Carol and John, Leo, Ken, Gary and Dick, Pat, Joann and Bernie, Steven, Stephanie, Amanda, Katie, Greg, Mindy, Julie and Guy, Abby, Bruce, James, Bob, Terry, Bob, Corky, Linda, John, Daryn, Grazhina, Anthony, Cathy, Temple Judea, Bill, Gabriella, Justin, Linda, Joray, Mother, Joan, Bob, Lucille and Edward, Maria, Joey, Cliff, Heather, Jim and Diane, Dee, Bob, Vince
For the complete prayer list including non-parishioners, go to
For church members only - to view last names go to
Lent & Easter Schedule
St. Thomas Gospel Choir Leads Worship 9:30 a.m. this Sunday, March 19
This Sunday, March 19, Trinity is excited to welcome the African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas Gospel Choir at the 9:30 am service. The choir will lead all music and The Rev. Carla Robinson, a STGC member and Baptist minister, will preach. We hope you can join us.
There will not be Church School on that Sunday, so all families can actively participate in the full service. An all-parish brunch will follow the service. Please contact Kim Laughlin at, 215-718-3973, or Kyle Evans at, 267-221-9239, to find out what food or beverage you can bring.
Conversatio presented by The morning reflection will be an exploration of the Latin word conversatio using the opening words of the Rule of St. Benedict, Listen carefully… listen with the ear of your heart, and developing conversatio through four meditations: Conversation, Conversion, Communion, and Community. We shall see how the very circumstances of your life can teach you the importance of listening intently in the present moment with the ear of the heart, leading you to a dynamic turning and being turned, and entering into the mystical communion with God and one another. Our time together invites you: -To enter into the still, small voice within you, the voice of God -To be still and still moving – experiencing God’s spirit and your spirit as one -To listen with the inner ear of the heart -To “find a truth which is true for you” [Soren Kierkegaard] -To be open to the “thin places” in your lives – places where God breaks through more easily into the human consciousness. Ginny has blessed us with Advent and Lenten reflections for the past 20 years but this will be her last since she will be retiring on May 21, 2023. Please don't miss this very special morning with Ginny. |
The youth group activity for Monday, March 20 will be a movie in McArthur Hall! The time is 6:30-8 p.m. and snacks are provided. Designed for grages 6-12. We hope to see you there! Questions? Please contact Kyle Evans at (TYG Reinvented has moved to Mondays due to conflicts with youth sporting activities on Tuesdays.) |
The racial awareness groups meeting on Sundays through Lent will not be meeting this Sunday, March 19 so all can celebrate St. Thomas Gospel Choir with a brunch following the 11:00 a.m.service. The groups reading either Caste, or Just Mercy will resume next Sunday, March 26. Racial awareness resource list: Click Here. Ann and Fred Koberna |
Attention All Knitters and Crocheters Making Afghan Squares! Janet Gill is hard at work assembling afghans.She requests that bulky yarns not be used for the squares since they do not fit easily into designs using standard yarns. Also, knots and tails of yarn should be worked into the back of the piece and trimmed so they are not visible. Thank you for your handiwork!
Mindfulness Meditation at Trinity Solebury 2023
Offered Dr. Jeffrey Harrison
Six Sessions
Wednesday March 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Saturday April 1 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Signup officially ended on February 3, but if you are interested please contact Jeffrey Harrison:
The situation in Turkey and Syria right now is dire. Your gift today helps us provide critical relief to communities impacted by the earthquake. In supporting our local partners with life-saving supplies and resources, medicine and emergency support, we can help communities rebuild and heal. |
Trinity’s Rector Search Committee has been hard at work identifying and gettting to know candidates.The Search Committee wants us to know that every candidate who has expressed an interest in this position has been interviewed at least once, and often more than once. Great care is being taken to make sure Trinity Solebury will be a good match for a new Rector, and that our parish will be well-served by this mutual decision. The work of the Search Committee is done in collaboration with the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania through their representative, Canon Arlette Benoit Joseph. This is a very significant time in the life of our congregation. Vestry members, the Search Committee, and Canon Joseph all welcome inquiries and comments from Trinity members.
The search committe members are:
Barbara Tortorello, Chair Doug Brindley Melodee Fox Kim Laughlin Bill Jaglowski | Lisa Landley Eric Muth Patrick Summers Roger Stikeleather Susan Wells |
Please pray for our church, committee members, and our future rector, that they be guided and inspired to do God's work and follow His direction.
For Candidates: Incorporated in 1860 and located in scenic, historic Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and only 1.5 hours from Manhattan and 45 minutes from Philadelphia, Trinity Episcopal Church is seeking to call a full-time Rector to lead and inspire our active and committed parish. At Trinity, we are self-motivated Christians, eager to share and impatient to see God's love and justice spread throughout our world.
Please take the time to learn about us by reviewing our website, our New Rector Search page, which contains our parish profile, and our position description.
Interested applicants should send cover letter, resume, and OTM profile to Canon Arlette Benoit Joseph at
A Prayer for the Parish in the Time of Transition
Glorious and gracious God, you have blessed Trinity Church with a goodly heritage of worship, fellowship, and service. And you have inspired our pastoral leaders, over the years,to keep us faithful to the mission of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to each succeeding generation. For this we are thankful.
Now as we search for a new Rector, we seek your guidance and insight to help us discern whom you would have us call to be our companion, as together we go forward into the future of your advancing Kingdom. May that Priest be wise, compassionate, thoughtful, and filled with the Holy Spirit.
In the meantime, may we be strong and united in one common purpose, supporting and caring for one another and active with you in the fragile world around us.
All this we ask in the name of the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Rev. John D. Bartle +
Trinity Parish Directory Updates Maintenance of the parish directory is a never ending process. To make sure our members can reach you, please review your listed contact information periodically. Send updates to Sarah Doyle at Updated photos are welcome too. For an online copy of the parish directory, visit | Have News to Share?? Your notice is VERY important to us. Our communications mission is to make sure that we maximize the audience for your event. Email or contact Marilyn Schuster or Jon Hayward directly. Notices submitted after Thursday are not guaranteed to be in the current week's notices. To add an event to the church calendar, email or call the office at 215-297-5135 To add someone to the prayer list, visit or call the office at 215-297-5135
Mission Philadelphia Presentation: | Help Ukrainian Families Support Episcopal Relief & Development in providing humanitarian aid in response to the crisis in Ukraine. By donating to the Ukraine Crisis Response Fund, you will help meet critical needs for people fleeing the violence including food, cash, blankets, and hygiene supplies. Visit
"Forward Day By Day" Booklet February-April booklets are located in the narthex. If you would like a copy and are unable to pick it up, please call the office (215-297-5135) to make arrangements for it to be mailed. Donations to help cover costs can be mailed or made online at - Meditations are also available online at | Follow Trinity Episcopal Church on Instagram and Facebook Connect with us on Instagram at and on Facebook at Like and follow Trinity's Facebook and Instagram pages to stay connected. |
Trinity Church AmazonSmile Program You can support Trinity by shopping on Amazon under the AmazonSmile Program. Amazon will automatically donate 0.5% of your purchase amount, at no cost to you. Visit and search Trinity Episcopal Church of Solebury or follow the link |